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Everything There’s to Know About DND On Fitbit

All notifications on my Fitbit Sense are silenced when I go to Quick Settings and turn on the DND mode“.

What Is It and What Does It Do?

DND is the short term for Do Not Disturb, which is a setting you’ll not only find on smartphones but wearables like Fitbit too.

Turning on Do Not Disturb will silence all notifications as well as reminders and celebrations on watches that support it.

On the other hand, you can still get important notifications when the DND mode is on you just need to allow them. Allow notifications when Do Not Disturb is on with the following steps:

  1. Open the Fitbit App.
  2. Tap the Today tab.
  3. Tap your Profile.
  4. Select your Fitbit.
  5. Tap Notifications.
  6. Apps will show, select the ones you want to get notifications from.

From now on your Fitbit will alert you of new notifications from specified apps even with the DND mode is activated.

    Why is It Important

    When activated on your Furbit, Do Not Disturb ensures you stay focused in whatever you do and that makes it important.

    How Do You Turn It On and Off?

    The process of activating and deactivating Do Not Disturb on Fitbit is fairly simple, see the simple steps outlined below for this:

    • Swipe left or right (depending on the model you have) to open Quick Settings. In Quick Settings find and tap, the DND icon, and that done everything on the watch is muted
    • To resume getting notifications, reminders, and celebrations turn off Do Not Disturb. To turn off the mode go to Quick Settings and tap the DND icon. That’s it.

    What Does DND Mode Look Like?

    In Quick Settings on your Fitbit look for an icon with a small horizontal line at the center, that’s the Do Not Disturb button.

    Does DND on Fitbit Cause Sync Issues?

    Not, it does not. Fitbit will continue to collect your health and fitness data and sync to share the data collected with the Fitbit app on your phone.

    Does It Save the Battery?

    Yes, it does. Constant notifications from apps, reminders, and celebrations are among the reasons why your Fitbit doesn’t keep charge for long.

    Turning DND on mutes the notifications and as a result, the battery life of your device is extended.

    Do You Still Get Texts On Your Fitbit When DND is On?

    Yes, you do. Messages, calls, and emails, get to your watch when the mode on however, they enter silently. When you wake up the screen you’ll see the notifications.

    What’s the Difference Between Sleep and Do Not Disturb?

    Sleep and DND modes may appear similar but they are two different functions on the Fitbit Watch.

    Here’s the difference; Do Not Disturb mode aims to prevent disturbance to keep you focused during the day whereas Sleep Focus mode turns off the watch display and turns on the Do Not Disturb mode on the watch to reduce disturbance before the time scheduled for bed arrives.

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