Home » Fitbit » Can I Wear My Fitbit On My Ankle: A Quick Guide For 2023

Can I Wear My Fitbit On My Ankle: A Quick Guide For 2023

So, can you wear Fitbit on your ankle? Fitbit does not recommend the wearing of their activity tracker on the ankle because they have a fitness tracker designed for the wrist. In addition, the warrant protecting the Fitbit becomes void if it is worn the wrong way –on the ankle.

Is Fitbit Accurate when Worn on the Ankle?

Fitbit can be worn on the ankle and it is more accurate there. The tracker can only miss 5% of your steps depending on how hard you strike your feet as you walk and run.

From the ankle, your feet strikes are more detectable. The clock face isn’t visible and for that reason, you will need to carry your smartphone with you but of course if you want to see results on the go.

Can I Wear My Fitbit Somewhere Other Than My Ankle and Wrist?

Did you know that a Fitbit like the Fitbit inspire 2 features an accessory that will let you wear it anywhere on your body?

From its strap, it can go anywhere, on your bra or belt. But with the Fitbit on the bra or belt heart rate tracking cannot be possible because data can only be collected when it is worn on the wrist. You only get data on sleep, standard steps, and calorie.

Note, if you are wearing the watch on your wrist make sure that you wear it properly to avoid wrist pain and to get accurate data.

Additionally, there are Fitbits that allow clipping, we call them Clip-On Fitness Trackers. Once removed from the strap they can be clipped on the waistbands of trousers, shorts, or skirts. You also can attach these Fitbits to your T-shirt or bra.

Are There Companies That Make Fitness Trackers For The Ankle?

One of the Companies that make activity trackers for the ankle is The Moov Company. Just like Fitbit, Moov is able to record your heart rate, and your swimming, and you also get to enjoy music while exercising. With Moov ankle activity trackers you get to;

Exercise With Audio Guidance

Like the Fitbit App, Moov has a Moov App that will guide and coach your workouts. You get stats on Heart Rate and movements in real-time.

Dive Deep Into Your Data

The Moov app is able to track and analyze your HR and laps simultaneously. The activity tracker can help you improve your workout techniques and efficiency.

Heart Rate Analysis

Get your Heart Rate analysis right from the fitness tracker while you swim, run, cycle, HIIT, and walk among other sports.

Why We don’t Encourage The Wearing of Fitbit on the Ankle

The reason why Fitbit does not recommend the wearing of Fitbit on the ankle is that the device is not calibrated to be used as an ankle activity tracker.

Having it on the ankle prevents it from collecting other body metrics or if collected the results are not as accurate as when they could be when worn on the wrist. You only put on Fitbit on the ankle if you are ready to compromise some features.

Advantages of Ankle Fitbit Fitness Trackers

There are specific benefits you get from wearing a Fitbit fitness tracker on your ankle. The benefits you get include accurate cycling and step count data.

Accurate Step Count Data

With the help of the built-in accelerometer and the wearing of Fitbit on the ankle ensures the right data is got for step counts.

For any Fitbit to detect steps when worn on the wrist hands have to be swayed, if not then you get the wrong stats on your step counts as you walk or run.

The best way to avoid this would be to put Fitbit on your ankle. A number of users on the Fitbit Community have confirmed the effectiveness of wearing Fitbit on the ankle. You only need to find the right Fitbit Ankle Band that will perfectly fit your ankle.

Accurately Tracks Cycling

We tested and wore the Fitbit on the ankle and cycled our bike for an hour. The results were totally different though not by far.

The number of cycles we got from the previously recorded data was slightly below the number of cycles we got when we had Fitbit worn on the ankle.

Therefore, with a Fitbit worn on the ankle, the results you get are accurate no cycle is added or deducted.

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Disadvantages of Wearing Fitbit on Ankle

1. Inaccurate Sleep Data

Choosing to go to bed with Fitbit on your ankle rather than on your wrist will not give the correct sleep stats. If getting daily sleep stats was the main reason for buying a Fitbit then you wouldn’t put it on your ankle.

2. Heart Rate Data

If you opted to wear Fitbit on your ankle instead of your wrist then the stats you get about your heart rate are not correct.

The best point where a Fitbit can collect accurate data on Heart Rate is on the wrist. Note, Fitbit Company doesn’t recommend the wearing of Fitbits on the ankle.

3. May Lead to Damage

Having a Fitbit on your ankle while running, walking, or cycling endangers your Fitbit. In case you fall working out, some damage might happen.

The screen might develop cracks and lose the sense of taps. Buttons might break thus operating Fitbit becomes a challenge and critical accidents may result in the total wrecking of a Fitbit. Fitbit is safer when on the wrist than when on the ankle.

4. It Is Hard to Operate Fitbit From The Ankle

When Fitbit is put on the ankle during work out seeing your progress on activities on the display is not possible that’s because the tracker is covered with the strap to avoid dust and dirt.

Also Read: Can Fitbit watches bring about cancer? and what are the advantages and disadvantages of fitness trackers?

Frequently Asked Question

Can You Wear Fitbit Charge 3 On Your Ankle?

Fitbit charge three can be worn on the ankle using a pouch-type band. The pouch-type ankle band works well but the Fitbit face cannot be seen.

Remember, Fitbit isn’t designed for the ankle therefore, the accuracy of calories burnt will be affected as a result of the Heart Rate HR being off.

Can I Wear My Fitbit Charge 4 On My ankle?

For Fitbit Charge 4 to count steps effectively from the ankle you will need to use or purchase a third-party band. In addition, the Charge 4 will not track all the fitness activities you engage in when on your ankle.

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