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Can You Use Whoop Without Membership? (Quick Answer!)

Whoop 3.0 and 4.0 are designed to focus on your health and fitness. The straps are accompanied by a companion app (Whoop App). With the app, you get to keep an eye on your sleep, stress levels, and recovery.  I personally love Whoop because of the accurate metrics it offers. But the question is, can you use Whoop without a membership?

You cannot use Whoop without a membership plan because it is generally based on a subscription plan. Plans on Whoop are supposed to be renewed each time they come to an end failure to which you cannot upload fitness data from the tracker to the app. Worst of all may end up losing access to your account as well as personal data.

Well, Whoop works slightly differently from other fitness and activity trackers. Continue reading this post to learn more.

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Whoop Membership Pricing Model

Whoop’s membership plan is currently limited. As for now, the service is only accessible to people residing in New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe.

Those interested in the program can pay monthly, yearly, or 2 years in advance.

For a better understanding of how Whoop offers its membership plans to various locations, see the table provide below:

Residence (Country)1 Month Membership Plan12 months Membership Plan (per month)24 Months Membership Plan (per month)
1.UK€27 €22 €18
3.New Zealand$48$40$32
6.Europe€30 €25 €20

Why Should You Subscribe to the Whoop Membership Plan?

Unfortunately, you will be wasting money buying a Whoop 4.0 or Whoop 3.0 if you don’t plan to subscribe to a Whoop membership.

The Whoop fitness tracker works along with the Whoop app and without paying you won’t be able to have access to coaching, performance reports, or personalized insights, among other analyses.

Is it Worth Getting a Whoop Membership?

The Whoop activity tracker is worth every single penny, especially for people who are too tired of living an unhealthy lifestyle.

With a Whoop membership plan, you shall be able to achieve your sleep, recovery, exercise, and fitness goals even without an actual personal trainer at a monthly or yearly charge. Go ahead and get your Whoop membership today!

4 Advantages of Subscribing to a Whoop Membership Plan

1. Whoop Pro Membership Eligibility

Once you join the Whoop fitness community you automatically qualify to become a Whoop Pro member.

Whoop users that are Pro are lucky in that, they are able to enjoy free shipping, have access to free gear, early access, and much more.

2. You Get a Free Whoop Fitness Tracker

Isn’t this amazing? Whoop offers users the Whoop fitness tracker for free right after joining a Whoop membership. I personally thought there would be some hidden charges but I was wrong.

3. Sleep Insight

If you choose Whoop, you can monitor your nightly sleep. Whoop will let you learn about your sleep stages i.e. Light, REM, and Deep sleep.

With that, you will be able to customize your every night’s sleep to improve your bedtime habits better.

4. Get Your Strain Insights

Once you successfully join the Whoop fitness community you will be entitled to getting a 24-hour heart rate report.

That way you will have an idea of how strained your body was during the day.

3 Whoop Alternatives that Work Without Membership

1. Oura Ring

The Oura Ring fitness tracker as the name suggests is an activity tracker that monitors your fitness and wellness right from your finger.

This tracker is comfortable hence you can wear it all day and night to track your health, wellness, and fitness metrics.

Oura Ring membership comes at a cost, but it is fortunate for those who still consider holding onto the basic membership plan for a while because it is absolutely free.

Some of the details you will be able to see on the Oura Ring app for free include some basic information, some scores (limited to 3), and the level of your battery.

Also Read: How the Oura smart ring compares to Fitbit.

Check Oura Ring on Amazon

2. Moov Now

Moov Now is yet another amazing fitness tracker that has a membership that can be utilized for free.

This makes it one of the best supplements for the Whoop 3.0 and Whoop 4.0 strap.

This is the track you may want to consider if you are looking for a more sport-specific wear.

Even though the Moov Now does especially not count steps, you will be able to track your heart rate, and sleep, as well as sports activities like swimming, cycling, running, boxing, and hiking.

There’s more to say about the Moov Now fitness tracker but like the Oura Ring, a free account is limited to features.

Check Moov Now on Amazon

3. Fitbit Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers

Fitbit smartwatches and fitness trackers differ slightly from Oura Ring, Moov Now, and Whoop.

The difference we are talking about is the display. With a Fitbit smartwatch or fitness tracker, you get a display that will not require you to go to the fitness app to check stats unless you want to look at the in-depth analysis.

Fitbit comes with various memberships, for instance, we have Fitbit Premium, Fitbit Account for Kids, and Fitbit Freemium which lets you use Fitbit for free.

Unfortunately, a free Fitbit account will have you missing a lot because you will only be eligible for basic features which are limited. We prefer Fitbit above all other Whoop alternatives.

Check Fitbit on Amazon

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there a Whoop Lifetime Membership?

Whoop currently does not have a lifetime membership for its esteemed users. If you really want to pay for an extended time you can opt for the 2 years membership subscription plan.

And the good thing is that the 2-year subscription appears to be a little bit cheaper than the monthly or yearly subscription.

2. What happens if You Don’t Pay Whoop Membership?

Like most businesses, Whoop gives you a grace period of 3 days. In case you are unable to renew your membership within these 3 days, your account will be deactivated hence you will not be able to sync your fitness tracker with the Whoop app to transfer fitness data.

The only way you can prevent such a scenario is by paying or renewing your plan on time or before the 3 additional come crushing.

3. Is there a Whoop Free Trial?

The only time a free trial can be offered on Whoop is when a person upgrades from Whoop 3 to Whoop 4.

For example, it is you upgrade to the later version of Whoop (Whoop 4.0), the person you give the Whoop 3.0 is given 3 months to use the Whoop membership for free.

After the three months trial, the person you give the Whoop strap can begin paying if he or she finds the fitness tracker worth the money.

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